The things we do and the stories we tell

This is picture series aims to record everyday behaviours that tend to communicate a story or an insight about that behaviour and/or the context around that behaviour. Much like the behaviours captured in Jane Fulton Suri’s ‘Thoughtless Acts’, yet maybe not the same.

All images posted in this series are and will be those taken by me. If in case I use one captured by someone else, permission to use will be sought and due credits will be added with the image.

Do you have an image+story to contribute?

While I will be the key contributor to this series, I do not want to restrict this record to my observations.

It is my belief that minds combined help create wonders.

So if you have appropriate content to contribute, mail it to me at with the subject line: WDWT Contribution.

All content submitted will be reviewed and curated for publishing. Due credits to the contributor will be added along with the content.


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